Dinwiddie County Public Schools receive federal funds for our school wide Title 1 programs which provide additional academic support and learning opportunities to help children master challenging curricula and meet state standards in reading. Needs assessment teams gather information to make data driven decisions related to student performance, ensuring success for all students. Services are coordinated between federal, state, and local funding. Parents have access to the Virginia Department of Education’s School Quality Profiles https://schoolquality.virginia.gov/ through links posted on division and school websites.


The 2024-2025 Title I Survey is available for our Title I families at Dinwiddie Elementary, Southside Elementary, Sunnyside Elementary and Sutherland Elementary. The division’s mission is to have every student reading at or above grade level by the third grade.

We want to hear from you! Please click on the survey button below and give us your valuable input! The survey data is analyzed for developing student supports in English instruction and planning Family and Community Events (FACE).


Title I funding provides additional English instruction at four elementary schools. Each schoolwide plan is linked below.

The Title I program provides:

  • Staffing: The Title I staff provides parent, teacher, and community supports in the areas of literacy development, tiered supports, family engagement and early reading interventions. Six full-time Title I reading teachers provide targeted reading interventions for identified students through small group instruction primarily. Students are taught by fully licensed teachers. A Title I Family and Community Specialist (FACE) works with families and community stakeholders to increase partnerships to strengthen the development of students in Title I schools. A Title I Literacy Leader supports teachers and administrators in the implementation of research-based strategies and evidence-based interventions to support positive student outcomes.
  • Resources: Title I funding is used to provide teachers with the resources needed to engage students to be good readers, thinkers and problem solvers. Title I schools may use Imagine Learning and Square Panda for prescriptive reading instruction. Most resources can be accessed at school as well as at home for consistent reading supports. Each Title I school has a resource room with non-fiction and fiction leveled book sets, read aloud book collections as well as professional books.
  • Parent and Family Engagement:  Parents are a vital part of the decision making when writing the Title I grant and updating Schoolwide plans. Family & Community Engagement (FACE) workshops are held at each school and at the division level throughout the year.  We encourage you to take advantage of these worthwhile opportunities. We recognize a strong connection between the home and the school is a key element to our students’ success.

Click on the links below to view the Parent Notification Letter- Right to Request Information, Division Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and Parent and Family Engagement Plans.

For more information about the Title I program, please contact:

Ms. Schneria Valentine, Director of Elementary Education and Title 1: svalentine@dcpsnet.org