Dinwiddie County Public Schools
2020 – 2027 Comprehensive Plan

Dinwiddie County Public Schools (DCPS) School Board has adopted a division-wide comprehensive, unified, long-range plan based on data collection, an analysis of the data, and how the data will be utilized to improve classroom  instruction and student achievement consistent with all other division-wide plans required by state and federal laws and regulations.  The DCPS Comprehensive Plan defines the vision for the future. This seven-year plan will serve as the backbone of all planning efforts. It outlines challenges facing the school community, identifies solutions, and provides guidance to leaders on planning-related decisions. This Comprehensive Plan has the support of the broader community.

The foundation of this plan was laid in 2018 when the division’s leadership team engaged in a comprehensive process to solidify our mission, vision, core values, brand, and focus areas. The input was gathered in a number of ways, with Hunter Communications LLC conducting a summary analysis is based on feedback from 10 focus groups with nearly 80 participants as well as a review of existing survey data  provided by DCPS. Overall, the current image of DCPS was a positive one that commonly was described as a school system with a strong sense of connection and family, as well as having supportive, caring, and deeply committed staff and teachers.

To view the 2020- 2027 DCPS Comprehensive Plan click here. *


* NOTE:  If you need the plan in another format or have any questions, please contact the School Board office at 804-469-4190.