School Closings, Emergencies, and Inclement Weather
Dinwiddie County Public Schools has the highest concern for our students’ safety and makes every attempt to let the public know in a timely manner when the decision has been made to cancel school or close school early due to inclement weather or other unplanned circumstances (such as power outages, etc.). This decision may be based on many factors, however, the safety of our students is always our first priority.
Recognizing we live in a time in which threats are a reality that we must acknowledge and for which we must prepare, we must work together to maintain a secure environment and school days that are as normal as possible in these extraordinary times. Each school has a well-developed crisis management plan in place that addresses many kinds of school emergencies, and administrators and staff review and revise plans accordingly each school year. Although the plans are similar, each school’s crisis management team will implement a response that is appropriate, taking into consideration the facility, the age-level of the students, and the specifics of the emergency. Partnerships with the Sheriff’s Department, County Public Safety personnel, Fire and EMS workers and other community-based organizations are part of the emergency plan.
You can help us by making sure you provide your child’s school office with up-to-date emergency contact information. This is a vital part of our parent communication system.
In the event of an emergency during school hours, please follow these guidelines:
- Our children are sheltered in place at school. Please do not come to the school.
- Do not call the school–this will tie up emergency lines.
- Tune in to the radio or television. The media, website and hotlines will be activated for communications. Log on to the Dinwiddie County schools’ website if possible for school information: Log on to the County of Dinwiddie website for emergency information and a direct link to the state’s emergency website: Tune into Cable Channel 3 for emergency information as well.
- You will receive information from parent link, the media, or our website on the place and time you can be reunited with your child/children.
- If a chemical emergency involves schools, school officials will take necessary precautions, will communicate closely with the sheriff, and will not allow people into the building. Coming to school in such a situation will endanger you and others.
For your convenience, emergency school closing information not during school hours will be announced on local radio and TV stations, and calls made to phone numbers you have filled out at your child’s school by our parent communication system. Planned closings can be viewed in our current school calendar.
Your continued assistance and support is acknowledged and appreciated.
Weather Information & Sites
School Closings, Emergencies & Inclement Weather
School Closing Codes
VA Department of Emergency Management
National Weather Service
Local Television Stations
CBS 6 –
ABC 8 –
NBC 12 –
Fox Richmond