Director of School Nutrition is Marion Elder.  Ms. Elder leads a school division staff of 45 that prepares and serves approximately 630,000 meals annually in seven schools. School Nutrition is unique in the school system because they are self-supporting; they pay for all direct costs, payroll and administrative expenses. About 35% of School Nutrition’s income comes from the sale of meals and A la Carte items. The remaining amount comes from state and federal reimbursements for meals served.

Our mission is to provide the best food service possible to students, staff and community by serving nutritious, healthy and appealing food while maintaining a healthy, safe environment, good customer service and financial integrity.

Please visit our new site which has links to menus, free and reduced meal program, pre-payment options, wellness policy, educational information, and more. For more information on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your cafeteria manager or Ms. Elder, Director of School Nutrition. Click here for more information on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

DCPS Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment 2021-2024

Primary Contacts

Marion Elder headshot
Marion Elder
Director of School Nutrition Pphone (804) 469-4190
Wendy Lowery headshot
Wendy Lowery
Accts Payable/Receivables Specialist Pphone (804) 469-4190