At Dinwiddie County Public Schools (DCPS) we welcome newcomers! We are here to help support the children and their families in any way we can as they adapt to our schools, society, and culture. Whether you are fairly new to our country and speak primarily a non-English language or your native language is something other than English. The number of English Language (EL) Learners in Dinwiddie County has increased annually over the past ten years. Currently, the school division services approximately 70 students.
If students require assistance in learning and developing their skills in English, we are here to help them. The goals of the EL program in Dinwiddie is to provide instruction for students specifically to reach proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing as measured on the required annual language proficiency examination. DCPS works to ensure that their is an increase in the percentage of English Learner (EL) students attaining English proficiency by the end of each school year. Thus, the second goal of the EL program is to provide instruction that results in high levels of academic achievement in the content areas. Because the population of English Learners is fluid and varied in Dinwiddie County Schools, we believe all teachers are responsible for language development and course or grade level content.
Visit the Department of Education’s Title III: Language Instruction for English Learners & Immigrant Students page for more information or contact our Coordinator of Early Learning and Literacy Penny Brooks at 804-469-4190.